A creation by Ana Margarida Ferreira
Public Presentation
Friday, August 4th 2023
Nogueira de Côta (Viseu)

A co-production between Binaural Nodar with the support of the Social, Sports, Recreational and Cultural Association of Nogueira de Côta, as well as the Parish Council of Côta and co-financed by the Municipality of Viseu.

In an informal space of the village of Nogueira de Côta, it took place the conclusion of Ana Margarida Ferreira’s artistic process, which was simultaneously as an academic presentation for the Master in Contemporary Artistic Creation of the University of Aveiro, as well as a work produced by Binaural Nodar with the scope of a professional internship conducted by the artist in said association.

Through photography and sound, the artist sought to explore how the accumulation of lived years can be dissected in layers of experiences, kept inside different memory albums. Drop after drop one can fill an ocean, where the rivers flow. The water drop remains, however throughout its journey, it’s classified differently.

While reenacting a small selection of her memories, Ana Margarida Ferreira, was careful to always preserve something of familiar. From the chosen place of investigation, the Parish of Côta, where her family is naturally from, having her presentation be inside her maternal grandparents garage, yo the choice of her models her two younger siblings (also art students) Nuno Miguel Fareleira and Ana Marta Fareleira, along with their garments worn during the photographic sessions.

Binaural Nodar is a cultural structure supported by the Portuguese Government – Culture | Directorate-General for the Arts.