
This piece is an audiovisual “collage”, created from a repertoire of sounds and images related to food and flashes of memory that succeed and transcend in families despite the inevitable exiles, comings and goings. After intensive field work with interviews, conversations and culinary moments, it was interesting for the artist to discover in Madeiran, African, Arabic, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese recipes, the generosity with which these immigrants who inhabit Vouzela handed over a part of them, and in all these cases CORN was presented as something primitive, permanent and savior.

Silvia Angles (Argentina/Spain) is a pianist and audiovisual artist, born in 1962 in the city of Río Tercero, Córdoba, Argentina. Graduated in Music Theory and Criticism from the UniversidadNacional del Litoral-UNL. She is dedicated to the study and dissemination of contemporary music, having founded and managed the “Ciclo de Músico Contemporánea y Actuales en el Conservatório Castro de Río Tercero” for 12 years. She actively collaborates with the Cycle of Contemporary Music at the Conservatorio Garzón in the city of Córdoba.

At an experimental level, Angles has already participated in the electro-acoustic musical workshops, organized by the Universidad Provincial de Córdoba-UPC, together with the Centro CulturalEspaña Córdoba-CCEC, as well as the cycle of experimental and contemporary music “Experimentalia” at the CCEC together with the vocal group “Las O”. She was part of the “NoN” ensemble of free improvisation and sound art (composed of 7 polysemous artists from Córdoba) participating in the Encuentro No Durmai 2019 y 2020 of Río Tercero and in the Cycle of Siempre in Córdoba, December 2019.