Book with 92 color pages
Author: Luís Costa
Catalog Number: Edições Nodar, nodar.006
ISBN: 978-989-97205-3-4

The texts that come together in this volume are the result of several stimuli and challenges, but they all incorporate a common thread: the irresistible urge to think the rural while an area of  pregnant, free and authentic thought and expression.

The reflection and practice through territorial contemporary creativity  based on exploratory specific context arts has been the model of intervention Binaural/Nodar, of which Luís Gomes da Costa is the head of directors. Over the years, almost a decade, this organization has dedicated its energy to creativity in connection with rural communities and landscapes of the Portuguese mountain ranges of Gralheira and Montemuro and the valleys of Paiva and Vouga rivers.

On sale at: and commercial spaces in the municipality of S. Pedro do Sul.

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