“New Rural Listening” is released Gallery “New Rural Listening” is released Artistic Creations, News, Publications “New Rural Listening” is released Nely Ferreira2024-10-23T17:15:10+00:0029 May 2024|
“Dancing with the root: documenting the memory of Castro Daire’s folkloric groups” Gallery “Dancing with the root: documenting the memory of Castro Daire’s folkloric groups” News, Publications “Dancing with the root: documenting the memory of Castro Daire’s folkloric groups” Nely Ferreira2023-03-02T10:08:20+00:0027 February 2023|
Binaural Nodar releases book and CD “Vozes Erguidas” (“Arisen Voices”) of Grupo de Cantares de Levides Gallery Binaural Nodar releases book and CD “Vozes Erguidas” (“Arisen Voices”) of Grupo de Cantares de Levides News, Publications, Visual and Sound Ethnography Binaural Nodar releases book and CD “Vozes Erguidas” (“Arisen Voices”) of Grupo de Cantares de Levides luiscosta2021-09-09T11:23:58+00:0021 November 2019|
Presentation of book “Linen: stories along a thread” Gallery Presentation of book “Linen: stories along a thread” News, Publications, Visual and Sound Ethnography Presentation of book “Linen: stories along a thread” luiscosta2021-09-09T11:40:02+00:0017 July 2019|