Sons do Rural
A documentary by Tiago Dias dos Santos

Co-production: Binaural/Nodar and Master in Multimedia, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto
With Antony Lyons, David Prior, José Almeida, Luís Costa, Manuela Barile,

Artist residencies, while environment of artistic creation, allow an interchange of experiences and knowledge amongst different people, with different backgrounds. The artistic work is directly influenced by the contact with the local community, while artists are influenced by the population with which they interact. Sons do Rural approaches this subject, using for that the Divina Sonus Ruris residency developed in Sul and Macieira (both in the municipality of São Pedro do Sul) by Binaural / Nodar in April 2013, exploring these different points of view from the community, artists and organization.

Tiago Dias dos Santos has a degree in Audiovisual Communication Technology with specialization in Photography at Superior School of Music and Performing Arts and Master of Multimedia from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, and the documentary Sons do Rural made part of his final dissertation, which had supervision of Prof. Miguel Carvalhais.

Contacts for programming and screening of the documentary:

Tiago Dias dos Santos:
Luis Costa (Binaural / Nodar):