“And they still say the rest is just scenery “
Four trials audio/visual essays proposed  by Binaural/Nodar
Festa da Primavera
Oliveira de Frades Cine-Theatre Auditorium
Saturday, 23 March at 17:30

Binaural/Nodar presents four audio/visual essays with anthropological meaning, on the one hand, connected with Nodar Rural Art Lab sound and media arts residencies organized by the association in the Gralheira mountain range since 2006 and, secondly, connected with the Memory Archive of Lafões, the Valleys of Paiva and Vouga, a project funded by the Culture Programme of the European Commission and part of  Tramontana network of memory archives from mountainous areas of southern Europe.

The four essays, all produced by Binaural /Nodar, reflect a variety of aspects of everyday life and memory of the mountain villages on the other side of the river Vouga: marriage lived in the perspective of the young women who leave home for good (“The Bride “from collections in the village of Sequeiros), the agricultural cycle of a village from spring to autumn (collections made in Bondança, civil parish of Manhouce), the relationship of a community with its animals (” Natural “from collections made ​​in the village of Nodar) and finally, the relationship of mountain communities with food and gastronomy (“Chef Ro in Gralheira” from collections in the villages of Candal, Coelheira, Manhouce and Gamoal).


Manuela Barile and Sergio Cruz – “The Bride”, 2012
Memory Archive of Lafões: “Bondança, Manhouce”, 2012
Sergio Cruz – “Natural”, 2011
Rogério Nuno Costa – “Chef Ro in Gralheira”, 2011