Audio in all its forms – music, sound effects, dialog – holds tremendous potential to engage, convey narrative, inform, dramatize and enthrall. However, in computer-based environments, for example games, nowadays the interaction abilities through and with sound are still underrepresented.

The Audio Mostly Conference provide a venue to explore the unexploited potential of audio in computer-based environments, for example game contexts, and aim to help open up this area of thinking by bringing together game designers, audio experts, content creators, and technology and behavioral researchers. Through this forum, varied experts could discuss developments and new potentials for audio in many areas such as entertainment, health and fitness, education, industrial training, serious gaming, etc. This is also a venue to present sonic solutions to development and design challenges in low resolutions scenarios or environments where screens are unavailable.

Audio Mostly 2011 will happen between September 7th and 9th , 2011 and will be hosted by the Center for Informatics and Systems at the University of Coimbra. The conference will take place at Campus II. The conference main AM’11 venue will be at the “Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia” main building. Binaural/Nodar is an acknowledged sponsor of the conference.

Luis Costa, president of Binaural/Nodar is one of the two key-note speakers of the conference, along with the renowned UK field recordist Chris Watson, and will present an interactive sound conference entitled: “Sound as a tool for community engagement ”.

Additional Information on AM’11, here.